You KNOW you can have it all.

It's time to unlock mindset blocks and embrace intentional growth.


Fall in love with EVERY aspect of your life. 


Believe me : You CAN create a life based on your essence so that everyday, you feel so happy, free and grounded.


You KNOW you can have it all.

It's time to unlock mindset blocks and embrace intentional growth.


Fall in love with EVERY aspect of your life. 


Believe me : You CAN create a life based on your essence so that everyday, you feel so happy, free and grounded.

GIVE YOURSELF FULL PERMISSION to unapologetically BE who you want to be and DO life how you want to !


YES, I am in!

I was a psychoeducation counsellor (M.Sc.).

Then became entrepreneur, learned a lot, and sold my two previous businesses.

I own 2 business at this time.

I am a life coach and mentor.

I am an abstract painter artist.

Thinking about becoming a writer too.

Also being a wife and mom of 2 ;)


My definition of success : having the freedom to do life on my own terms.


Because I don't fit in the mold. I simply want to be aligned with my truth and honor it.


The evolution journey to get there can get quite intense and having someone by your side makes ALL the difference. 


Together we will uncover what is really stopping you to follow that unique journey, so that you take inspired action and become fully in love with every aspects of your life.


Imagine if every morning, you open your eyes with gratitude and lightness, looking forward to spending your day the way you want. 

Only doing things that are aligned with your core values, your desires, that are enhancing your fulfillment.

You feel so free, so alive, so creative, so turned on. 

Claim a meaningful life on your own terms. 

Together we will take away what’s smothering your flame whether it’s related to

  • Limiting belief
  • Pattern
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Society expectations
  • Childhood trauma
  • Juggling multiple roles
  • Money mindset blocks regarding your business
  • Trying to control things you actually need to let go...


Let me be by your side if this feels like the right fit and you believe that being well surrounded is a major key to embrace your true potential, and create a life of fulfillment and success.

Yes please !

To be in this 3 months container, you need to be ready to do inner work to become more self-aware...

Because awareness allows us to shift. 



I know how being mentored brings our inner work to another level of understanding and embodying.


I have personally journaled almost every day for 7 years. I have my own 1:1 life mentor for over 3 years, did therapy and have participated in multiple mastermind groups.

That’s without saying that I studied 5 years at university in psychotherapy ! 

All this has led me to understand and break my limiting believes and now have an awesome life with my kids, husband and helping my clients (that feel like my friends actually) through Femme Arise.

Truth's hard to deeply feel understood by someone who is not like us: who deeply knows we can have it all. Unapologetically. 


You don’t have to choose between peace, love and success.

You can have it all.


It’s SO normal that trying to create meaningful change in your life feels challenging. 


It’s only because we, humans, DON'T LIKE the feeling of uncertainty and try very hard to AVOID it. 


But by avoiding feelings of uncertainty, we get in our own way and struggle to accomplish our inspired actions !

Lead yourself to be madly in love with your life…starting right now. 


When you understand and honor yourself, you can design a life that aligns with your true desires.

If you feel overwhelmed, unmotivated, unsatisfied and thinking you have everything you need and you “should” be satisfied…

you're probably just too disconnected from yourself.


Every step is part of your growth. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
I would like to apply !

In the Revived You mentoring, you will go on a 12-week journey, seing positive outcomes in your daily life.   

My coaching is rooted in these five core pillars that will support and empower you:

1. Empowerment Through Self-Worth

2. Abundance and Fulfillment

3. Intentional Growth and Reflection

4. Resilience and Trust in the Process

5. Embracing Evolution

(and yes not being alone helps so much to act with courage and bravery !). 

It’s time to give yourself permission to create space to hear these inner truths and honor them.

Revived You - My 1:1 mentoring for souls claiming to live a thriving and meaningful life on their own terms


This is an immersive experience that will transform your life.

It includes

  • 3 calls per month for a total of 9 calls (60 to 75 min).
  • You also have access to me during the 3 months with voice messages.

 I will give you personalized exercices to help you get clarity and take the inspired actions. 

The journey is very flexible depending on your needs and what you desire to achieve during that immersive experience...

  • to scale your business/professional life by fully embracing who you are and your way of doing things
  • to show up unapologetically as yourself
  • to connect with your inner truth
  • to develop an abundant mindset
  • to discover your creativity
  • to take that big decision you know you want to but feel scared of doing it
  • to learn how to live with intentionality

This is an investment in yourself of $4444, and payment plan are available. 

I want to start this journey !

More about me...

Bonjour, I'm Véronique !


From a young age, I always had that creative side in me. I always loved to start new projects, and still am very passionate about a lot of things. But I had that limiting belief telling me it should be just a hobby, it's not part of the "serious adult world" and successful business. Now, I totally see how being a multipassionate helps me to express myself in new and exciting ways. I went deep on a personal development journey and became my own life coach. I don't fit in the box and that's perfect like that. I can’t wait to help you uncover your inner truth and embrace your desires to fuel your daily life. 

Give yourself permission to have it all, you were born for this! 

Trust the process. You don’t need to control everything—there’s a bigger plan at work.

Véro xx